Memories fade but pictures don't!!

Monday, April 08, 2013
I have heard this many a times but could never take out time to sit, relax and look at old photographs. After completing my MBA I was all occupied in my job and...

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My best friend's birthday!!

Wednesday, April 03, 2013
I always had loads of parties to attend be it family or friends and hence gifting them became important. I started by making simple photo frames as I thought handmade gifts makes a...

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Beer bottle into flower vase

Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Take an empty beer bottle and clean it thoroughly from inside.  Now fill 3/4th of the boiler with water and hold the beer bottle with a pot holder or a towel (I used...

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Saturday Cleaning...

Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Oh!! It’s cleaning time again. Kept playing 29 with friends till 2 am in the morning, enjoyed maggi with cup of coffee and then went for a lovely walk. It is after all...

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About me

Nothing better than this blog can describe me well. I am a passionate craft lover, an avid traveler and an amateur photographer. I love meeting people, going places and also making friends. My traveling tale started when I was just 5 and my journey continues. The color, culture and traditions that I come across inspire my creations.

Contact me

You can drop me an email at