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Exhibition Sneak-Peak

Monday, September 02, 2013
Hello Everyone, I have been away for quite sometime and you know the reason why...I was all on toes for my very first exhibition. It was a busy busy month for me...all engrossed...

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Exhibition Gallery

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Hi All...!!! Here is a glimpse of things to look for in JustKraft's first ever exhibition ...

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JustKraft's first exhibition!!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013
I am all excited as JustKraft is hosting its maiden exhibition. All creativity lovers are invited to drop in and share their valuable thoughts. Your suggestions would help JustKraft reach it's desired height....

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Yyay!!! JustKraft featured in "Clours Dekor Blog"

Friday, June 21, 2013
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Instant Birthday Party!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Yes you are reading it correct, this post is about “Instant Birthday Party”. My friend’s sister was in Hyderabad for about two weeks to spend her vacations. We had some good time with...

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Let the winds whisper!!

Monday, May 20, 2013
Music is omnipresent, has no boundaries and no origin. I feel blessed to be a part of a society where there is music for all occasion.  I might sound philosophical on saying about...

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Memories fade but pictures don't!!

Monday, April 08, 2013
I have heard this many a times but could never take out time to sit, relax and look at old photographs. After completing my MBA I was all occupied in my job and...

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My best friend's birthday!!

Wednesday, April 03, 2013
I always had loads of parties to attend be it family or friends and hence gifting them became important. I started by making simple photo frames as I thought handmade gifts makes a...

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Beer bottle into flower vase

Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Take an empty beer bottle and clean it thoroughly from inside.  Now fill 3/4th of the boiler with water and hold the beer bottle with a pot holder or a towel (I used...

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Saturday Cleaning...

Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Oh!! It’s cleaning time again. Kept playing 29 with friends till 2 am in the morning, enjoyed maggi with cup of coffee and then went for a lovely walk. It is after all...

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About me

Nothing better than this blog can describe me well. I am a passionate craft lover, an avid traveler and an amateur photographer. I love meeting people, going places and also making friends. My traveling tale started when I was just 5 and my journey continues. The color, culture and traditions that I come across inspire my creations.

Contact me

You can drop me an email at adi.agarwala@gmail.com.